Williston TN – The sleepy little town of Williston is nestled in a quiet corner of Fayette County, snuggled up next to Hwy 76 where it meets Macon Road about 6 miles south of Somerville.

Owners of historic building and homes which surround the Williston Town square on nearly all sides, open their hearts and homes to the public, welcoming guests and putting on the town’s best face for visitors during the Williston Old Timers Association Show of antique autos, tractors, trucks, and Civil War re-enactments with a candlelight tour of all the camps and battles featuring cannon and musket fire.

A local landmark – The Crawford Store has been a family operated business since 1869. It has served as a post office, small museum, and meeting hall. The W. C. Crawford store has been listed since 1975 on the National Register of Historical Places in Washington, D.C.

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