There are a few businesses that are vital to the function of society. Medical staff, plumbers, HVAC, mechanics and electricians top that list. Without them lives are lost, undesirable stuff comes into our homes, summer or winter tries to do us in, we don’t get to work and the lights don’t come on…for all of those other businesses. Electricians are unarguably high priority folks. It’s not only important, but in most cases, life saving to have the right company for the job. Electrical fires are the 3rd most common cause of house fires in Tennessee. A good electrician is vital.

That’s where Cameron Vogelsang and his company Tennessee Electrician LLC come in. Cameron moved back to Tennessee in 2020 from Arkansas and started working for a local electrical company here in Fayette County. He realized he had a passion for the electrical trade so three years later he obtained his license and then opened his own company; Tennessee Electrician LLC. His company specializes in new construction of homes and shops, remodels, generators and service calls. Though electrical is his expertise, he’s found more than one way to change the world with that skill. Cameron travels all over the country promoting the skilled trades working along side He partners with Wiha, Rocky Boots, and Milwaukee tools to name a few companies supporting his cause.  He is on social media with electrical content and promoting the trades there as well. You can find him on Instagram (@tennessee_electrician), Tik Tok (Tennessee_electrician) and YouTube under the name Tennessee Electrician. On YouTube you’ll find him interviewing interesting people doing things that we don’t always associate with the trades; such as Brant Taylor, inventor of the Brain Bucket. You can also find tutorials on electrical work that is safe to do at home. Cameron covers it all with captivating detail.

He and his wife Ashlen (of Faith Farm fame) make their home here in Fayette County with their two little girls and future goat farmers. To reach Cameron for your electrical needs, call him at 901-610-8049. It might seem hard to change the world, but Cameron and his family are working hard to change their corner of it. Small businesses make the difference. Remember to shop local and shop Fayette first!

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